PurdyLucey Ranked in Global IAM Patent 1000 list

IAM has just published the 8th eighth edition of IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Professionals – a unique guide that identifies the top patent professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe.

This issue of IAM Patent 1000 highlights our team for our granular patent work and our meticulous prosecution of patents in Ireland, Europe & further afield. In particular, noting Barry Purdy, Michael Lucey and Mark Carmody for their exceptional diligence and technical expertise throughout all phases of prosecution, and focusses on the expertise of Barry and Mark in material science, biotech and medical technology innovations and the application of Michaels razor-sharp mind to software, electronics, and telecoms applications. Naoise Gordon is recognized for his valuable in-house experience, which he acquired at Unilever; as a specialist in patent prosecution and strategy across multiple technical fields.

Private practitioners like ourselves, play a key role in developing and implementing patent strategies for clients in both local and global markets, as well as acting to protect clients’ rights in the event of an infringement.

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